Tuesday, October 13, 2009

First blog ever!!!

Hello everyone!

Things have been going well for me recently. Russ (my husband) and I have been getting a lot done! In our basement apartment up in Alpine, part of our agreement with our homeowners upstairs is that we'll take care of the yard work and clean out/redo their basement as part of the rental fee. This summer we moved most of the boxes out so we have a bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. Presently we're working on reclaiming the second bedroom but the mess is putting up a strong fight and to be honest, we're both getting tired of it. But hey- the yard looks nice and we haven't had any complaints thus far, so I guess that's good as far as apartment life goes!

Russ is having a harder time keeping up with things than I am. He works full time as a beta-coordinator for a dental software company and is doing school full time as well. I usually only see him in the mornings and by the time he gets home some evenings, its pretty late and he's exhausted. I do what I can to help out, but I honestly miss spending more time with him. However, we do get to spend our weekends going on dates, playing games, or visiting family which is incredibly nice.

Stress for me seems to fluctuate between not-so-bad and oh-my-freakin'-goodness-I-want-to-kick-something. I go to school full time and practically live at UVU doing homework, eating cookies, or trying not to sleep through class. This semester has mostly been not-so-bad compared to other semesters. Russ and I agreed it would be better if I didn't work, but rather just focus on finishing up my degree since I'm 3/4ths the way done and he's done around maybe 1/5th. He'd rather I get my degree first. I've been in school full-time since last fall and I will admit- I'm starting to get a little burnt out. I've been keeping myself motivated as much as possible but it has been hard.

Till next time!

Oh and here are some of my favorite sites-


(a site full of funny parodies)

my dojo
(where I train in martial arts.)

(search engine full of funny things.)

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